Criteria for selecting projects/ventures
- Describe team members, skills, experience and availability

- What is their ability to execute or ability to build a suitable team?

- Previous experience on startups
- What is the need/problem that the solution solves?

- Innovation / potential Intellectual property

- Applicability (The team have the ability to reach an initial prototype until the end of the accelerator program)

- Solution description (up to 5 lines – if needed attached a short presentation / video

- Current status (Idea, prototype, demo, Proof-of-Concept, existing customers/sales, existing revenue)

- Existing materials – Once pager, presentation, investor deck, web site etc.

- Who is the customer (User/Buyer)

- Target market

- Existing Competition and What is the competitive advantage of the proposed solution

- Market size

- Business Model (how the venture will make revenue?)

- Business Potential (Year 1-5)

- Other solution impact (Social, Environmental)
- Solution Domain (e.g Health care, Medical device, Aggrotech, Education, PropTech, Fashion, B2B (Software, , B2C, etc.)